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Road trip France 2022

​I present here a series of photographs taken during one of my trips on the roads of Western France in September 2022.


One of the principles I set for myself for this road trip was to take my time, to appreciate nature, places and above all, the moments spent with the friends I had the pleasure of meeting along the way.

These photographs can be seen as a mixture of what I like to capture, without seeking specific coherence, other than the theme of the trip.

You will notice that I apply various image processing techniques, adapted to each moment and the composition of each photo.

This trip gave me a great opportunity to collect material. You could see it as a treasure chest brought back by an adventurous photographer.


With each trip, I see how many wonders there are to discover around us, and I think it is essential to preserve their essence.


And as I like to say, we might as well keep a beautiful image of this world !


The Arcachon Basin

The Vendée

The sands of Olonne
