The principle “Live your wedding to the fullest, I’ll take care of the souvenir images”
​One of my goals is to relieve you and your guests of this work and that you can all fully live this unique moment of your union, full of magnificent memories both in your mind, but also so that you can in the future remember these images with those around you.
You are beautiful as you are naturally, and for that nothing better than to entrust this work to a wedding photographer.
As an example of a first proposal and for a light budget, I offer you a photo report type service in the Paris region up to 2 hours at the town hall from 300€.
Photo reportage prices
• From 300€ net in Paris
(approx. 2 hours for the ceremony at the town hall for example)
• From 800€ net for half a day
(approx. 4 hours, travel in the Paris region included)
• 50 photographs minimum
(high-definition format for your prints)
• Your album visible directly online on a private page with all the photos that you can easily share and download
(Valid for 2 months)​
​Contact me
Victor Chan
Freelance Photographer
Paris, France